Okay, so this blog has been sitting here unheeded, like a small child sent to its room for far too long. I feel guilty, being the parent who inadvertently tried to send the kid to bed with no dessert, but ended up neglecting my promise to come upstairs and tuck it in, so the poor thing is crying in bed. It's a tad melodramatic, but I think that might just have to be how it's gotta be, because at the moment I'm listening to Explosions in the Sky. For you who don't know them, go right now and find something to listen to. This is everything post-rock is supposed to be. They make compelling, epic music that is perfect both for putting on in the background when you need to do some work and want music without the hassle of those pesky lyrics all the time or for when you just want some music that makes every single thing you do seem immediately ten times more significant.
I'm not kidding. These guys absolutely float my boat in every which way imaginable. The only time I feel like I shouldn't be listening to them is when I've been listening to them nonstop for weeks and I have to remind myself that there is, in fact, other stuff out there to listen to from time to time.
Thing is, since I first discovered them a little while back (yeah, I was a little late to get the memo on these guys, fuck you, you probably didn't know them either), they haven't come to the greater Bay Area at all to play, and much as I love them, I don't think I can quite justify flying to like Portland to go see them the one time they happen to be on the Western seaboard at somewhere other than Coachella. I started thinking about this, and I wouldn't necessarily give my right nut to see them, because quite frankly that's a tad cliche and I'm also rather fond of ol' righty. No, not that. I wouldn't give up a finger either because guitaring would be a hell of a lot more difficult, and so would my beloved blogging (and work, and a whole mess of other stuff). So I thought about it, and I figured out what I would give up to see these guys live in an acceptible venue (read: not an ampitheater or multi-thousand capacity arena).
I would give my baby toe.
Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "jeez Bill, that's a little morose" but I think it may be true. Like I wouldn't blow off a toe for a radio competition to win tickets or anything. No no, I'm thinking more like, I get into an accident at work, and my cubicle wall comes crashing down on my foot. The doctors have to amputate my toe, and work says "how can we make this better for you?" I'd ask for Explosions in the Sky tickets. And for all of you who think I'm under-valuing the baby toe, I think you're wrong. I've thought this through. I know, it's essential for balance. But think about this: I'm on the bus, I stumble into a cute girl. She is upset because I've invaded her space, but I can explain "see, I lost my baby toe, AND I got to see Explosions in the Sky as a result of it." BOOM. Done. Not only have I eased the tension and have her feeling sorry for me, I've also expressed my superior taste in music. It's a win-win.
So, in short, go listen to this band. They rock. They're catchy. They're epic. Epic really and truly is the word that keeps popping into my head when I think about them. Let me know what you think. Hopefully this posting will be the first of many many more to come soon-ish.